"On your journey into self Mastery, the path will present itself and doors will open, but you have to pay attention, be courageous and trust in your divine guidance, once you do, this ignites divine connection and wisdom, and all becomes clear and you journey into the luminous life."
- Cassaundra Paolini -
Divine Energy Healing by Cassaundra Paolini

The Story
I came into the physical body with memories of previous incarnations, I was able to see the "invisible" world, and had heightened intuitive gifts, these were not widely of the norm, This beautiful deep connection conflicted with the harsh matrix - many others also experience this.
So often I pondered "why is this all wrong", "this place doesn't make sense", "where has the magic gone?"
it took decades to not be afraid of my truth, and what a beautiful freeing thing it was, when I finally had the courage to truly come home.
The Journey
A catalytic event shook my world into an undeniable awakening, and I embarked on a profound quest in 2007.
I walked away from family, work, relationships, even my country, to began a long deep healing and transformational journey.
After a few years, I had a profound vision and message, in it, I was on a great quest, it was a difficult one, filled with obstacles and even dangers, and yet, I managed all of these like a warrior. Finally at the end of the quest, we arrived a great door, it opened, as though on command, into a great room, where I was told to enter, I didn't understand at the time, why I was so scared, as I was guided to a table in the center, and on it lie a small perfect little box (a treasure chest), I was told "go on, it's yours", and as I opened it, I trembled with fear, why? Laying softly inside, was a key, with bewilderment I looked a t the Guardian Keeper - he told me that this was the key to the universe, all its secrets and all of it blessings, and the time has arrived for me to accept my key. I was guided out of the room, where I understood the key will unlock the unimaginable power from within.
With deep reverence, I began the next phase of the journey, which opened the gateway to higher study and higher consciousness (well beyond psychology, history, human behavioral studies or the shamanic, aboriginal teachings of our younger years), I learned to unify the conscious mind with divine spirit and channel the I AM Presence (expansion and information), and Oh, how spectacular life on this earth became.
Now, the next step in our evolution, the true conscious creator self - the Master I AM, The divine inner teacher, who could now teach how to communicate and control the medium and channeling, collapse time lines, rewrite cellular memory, connect and upgrade the inner child, heal the child trauma, release the old programming, and input new positive programming, activate code sequences and so much more!
When the magic came back, I was so excited that others should experience how amazing we felt, that Divine Energy Healing was born and We are here today, joyfully, continuing this awe inspiring journey, to experience, learn and expand, in this amazing "school of life". and we are delighted to share it with you.
We all deserve to live our best lives, therefore our goal and deepest intention has always been for people to find their key within and unlock their divine potential. We are committed to this goal and helping you anyway that we can on your Journey.
Thank you so much for being here, may you dream a beautiful world into being.
With Love,
Cassaundra was so excited that others should experience her breakthrough, that Divine Energy Healing was born. Her intention: to share this knowledge and a blueprint for healing the wounds of the past, to upgrade your present and step into your Mastery to dream your world into being.
Heaven on Earth awaits You.